~Message From The President~

2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of The Glaucoma Foundation. What important strides have been made over these decades! Through research, we have improved our understanding of the disease and worked toward achieving the cessation of blindness from glaucoma. We are proud that TGF has played an important role in the advances that have taken place.
We are excited to celebrate this milestone at a Gala in New York City on April 18th. And we are thrilled that comedian, talk show host, and producer David Letterman will be on hand to celebrate with us as he accepts TGF’s first Chairman’s Spotlight Award. We can’t wait!
Our next webinar reflects the reality that therapies for glaucoma are safer, more effective, and more tailored to the patient’s needs than ever before. On April 23, Dr. John Berdahl will discuss updates in surgical technologies, drugs and new drug delivery, new lasers, and what is just around the corner. Dr. Berdahl is widely regarded as one of the leading cataract surgeons in the US, and one of the few surgeons who is fellowship-trained in cornea, glaucoma, and refractive surgery. He has been involved in numerous FDA-monitored clinical trials on some of the most exciting technologies in ophthalmology. I urge you to register for this webinar.
With other exciting projects in the TGF pipeline, we are embarking on the next decade with great enthusiasm and optimism. None of this would have been possible without the support of our friends. We thank you for being a reader of the newsletter and for all you do for TGF. With your ongoing generosity, we look forward to what lies ahead.
With all best wishes for a happy and healthy year to come,
Elena Sturman