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Funding Cutting-Edge Research
and Educational Outreach

The Glaucoma Foundation is dedicated to developing a cure for glaucoma through innovative research, collaboration and education. Our goal is to eradicate blindness caused by glaucoma.

About Glaucoma Icon

About Glaucoma

Educate yourself on the eye and how it works, diagnosing glaucoma, exfoliation syndrome, and glaucoma treatments.

Living With Glaucoma Icon

Living with Glaucoma

People deal differently with their glaucoma diagnosis and the reality of living with a chronic disease.
Read their stories.

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The Glaucoma Foundation has been funding groundbreaking glaucoma research for over 30 years.

I am truly thankful to TGF for offering such incredible patient education in the form of resources and webinars with real patients who are going through similar struggles. As with any chronic disease, we can feel very alone as patients and one of the biggest challenges is finding a network where we are supported and understood.

– Hillary G., Glaucoma Patient

What Are Some Recent Advances in the Treatment of Glaucoma?

While there is still no cure for glaucoma, the past year has seen advances in several aspects of the disease – for example, sustained-release glaucoma medications that can improve compliance and treatment efficiency, devices that help clinicians treat glaucoma, and encouraging research results.

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Your donation matters.

Since it’s founding in 1984, The Glaucoma Foundation has never wavered from its principle mission: to fund cutting edge glaucoma research and to educate the public about glaucoma, its diagnosis, and its treatment. The support of individuals like you has provided us with the resources to deliver on this mission.

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