~Message From The President~
After a most successful year, during which we made important strides in our research and education initiatives, TGF is ringing in 2023 with great enthusiasm.
We’re starting the new year with a webinar on January 4th, when Dr. Aakriti Shukla of Columbia University will discuss and debunk a variety of lifestyle recommendations for glaucoma. In this issue, Dr. Shukla answers some questions about taking glaucoma medications.
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. We urge all our readers to heed its call and make an appointment to have your eyes examined. Early diagnosis and ongoing treatment can save your sight. This year, to spread this message, we have expanded our observance with bus shelter posters, a radio public service announcement on WINS Radio in New York, a billboard in the borough of Queens and a greater presence on social media.
With glaucoma still the leading cause of preventative blindness, increasing awareness remains critical. We are excited to announce that on January 19, in partnership with the STEM Institute (of CCNY??), we are launching an innovative pilot program which aims at further increasing awareness of glaucoma – beginning with the young! You’ll be hearing more about that soon! Earlier, we announced that the Foundation, in partnership with Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB), was granting fellowships to young physicians specializing in glaucoma. Three new winners have been selected; you can read about them in this newsletter.
We have continued to expand our Board. The newest members are Annette Grollman, president of Oestreicher Medical Communications, and Barbara Hearst, a former Board member who has rejoined the Board.
In closing, we thank you for being a newsletter reader and a supporter of TGF’s efforts. Our work relies on your generosity and we appreciate it immensely.
In the year ahead, we look forward to continuing answering questions and addressing subjects of importance to you. If there are topics you would like us to explore in future issues, let us know at info@glaucomafoundation.org.
With all best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!