~Message From The President~

Every year, we invite you to join our peer-to-peer fundraiser for glaucoma research — The TGF Art Challenge to Celebrate Vision. The Art Challenge adds a new and creative dimension to our fundraising efforts, broadening our circle of friends in an innovative way! If you make art – as an amateur or professional — go to our website to find out how you can share a digital copy of your artwork. Then, ask your friends, family, and colleagues to honor your artistic vision by making a gift on TGF’s Art Challenge page.
Or, choose an artist and make a gift. We are matching all contributions to the Challenge now through Sept. 15 up to a total of $10,000. Every dollar we raise will help to fund our first research grant cycle of 2024.
We are delighted that so many glaucoma patients and their families are already among the participating artists this year. We are grateful to them and our Art Challenge Platinum Sponsor, Endace, for celebrating artistic vision and supporting TGF’s search for a cure.
In this issue, we’ll be exploring pregnancy and glaucoma, and questions about normal-tension glaucoma. And we’ll learn about primary congenital glaucoma from parents whose infant son was diagnosed just 15 months ago.
For our next webinar on Monday, September 18 at 5 pm, Dr. Andrew Feola, PhD of Emory University will talk about a subject he presented at our recent June Think Tank – The Impact of Menopause on Visual Function. REGISTER HERE. and stay for the Q&A after the talk.
Thank you for joining our efforts to increase awareness, support patients and their families, and advance science.
All my best,
Elena Sturman